Add Alpha channel
Create a duplicate of the layer and add to the image
Colors → Curves
Colors → Desaturate → Luminosity(or whatever looks the most contrast)
Colors → Invert
Fill the background with paintbrush: black foreground, size — around 80, then invert the paintbrush foreground to white and color and fill the rest.
Add layer mask
Copy the outline and paste it into the Layer Mask, then anchor it
Create new layer → foreground color→ change to black
Use Burn tool set to Burn and Highlights to fix the uneven edges. The Dodge or Burn tool uses the current brush to lighten or darken the colors in your image. The mode will determine which type of pixels are affected.
Can then remove the black background layer and export file as .png
Add the background image and add the .png as a layer on top. Then select it by clicking on it to resize and reposition.
Merge the top layer down
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